For the last four weeks of term, the children made a fantastic group collage called
"What I love about Art Club". The project was so impressive because I have never known a group of 6-11 year olds to do anything as complicated as 'scaling up' - its something they usually learn in GCSE and A-Level. But for anyone who knows me, they know I like to push the boundries of whats possible! ;0)
Here's how they did it!
First of all they designed their own posters - here are just a few of them:
Then I chose parts of everyone's drawings and made it into a collective design. The theme became "Art Club is out of this World" and featured planet Earth with some of the childrens favourite projects on the land masses:
Then we divided the traced design into 15 sections, one for each child in the group.
Then as each child 'scaled up' their tiny 1/15th of an A3 onto one whole A3, they began to fit the artwork together as a whole. I was really impressed with the way they joined up each others drawings and were excited to make it look the best they could!
Next stage was to mark out which colours went where and then they were ready to collage!
And here's the final result = amazing! Well done everyone!